Compassion Classrooms
Located in Long An, our Compassion Classrooms are for children born without certificates, and therefore ineligible to attend regular public schools.
PHAi’s Compassion Classroom commenced in June 2018 as the result of one day when Fr. Dom Liem came across some children who he thought were supposed to be school.
We learnt later that these children were unable to attend schools because they didn't have birth certificates. Most of them were either abandoned and now living with their grandparents or aunties, or are with their struggling families.
Our mission is to give these children the basic skills to read, write and understand mathematics, so that they are empowered with more confidence in life.
Overseen by Fr Dom Liem and the volunteer retired teachers, the Compassion Classroom comprises of over 30 children and the numbers are growing every day.
The children have their daily lunch at the Compassion Kitchen.